Intentionally incorporating vision with hand function Visual perceptual skills do not operate in isolation. For efficiency, the brain incorporates eye movements with neural pathways that extend to include language, vestibular, and hand function skills. This is one of the primary reasons why many pediatric occupational therapists provide “heavy work” movement activities for children before sitting them down at a table for hand function
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Visual sequencing essentially incorporates the use of language skills as you talk yourself through a task. However the activity presented to this youngster incorporates a wealth of additional learning skills. Visual Sequencing involves use of the concept “what comes next?” This is a vital reading readiness skill in that the youngster is required to mentally organize a series of visual images/letters along with their
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Navigational skills – being able to sequentially follow directions does not come easily for persons with Sensory Processing Dysfunction. While many might consider this skill to be somewhat intuitive, developmental theorists have shown us that this skill initially develops in childhood from learning experiences we have with manipulating objects in space. It is from this basic platform of building and constructing projects that the
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Sustained attention to task Visual Sequencing Skills We began incorporating use of digital task cards in treatment to promote increased use of Executive Functions including: Sustained attention to task Task organization Working memory Self monitoring We found the children were better able to pace their level of activity (some were under-aroused while others tended to be over-aroused) as they sustained attention to the digital
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When presented with a child who has weak “upper body strength” (generally meaning low tone throughout, including poor postural control, slushy or dysarthric speech, poor ocular motility/ visual search patterns, and poor spatial orientation), the need to follow a developmental frame of reference comes into view. While engaging the interest and intellect of the child is a key part of intervention, use of strategies
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There’s an interesting use for what he’s building…