Tag Archives: coordination

Sensory Processing Disorders and School Performance

Children with Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) tend to have issues that influence school performance.  The areas of difficulty shown in school tend to imitate the three major areas shown in the various types of Sensory Processing Disorders. One major type of difficulty shown in school among children with SPD is that of difficulty  managing their level of energy.  This is commonly referred to as

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Coordination First Steps: Motor Planning

The first phase of coordination may be described as  motor planning.  The first steps of motor planning include: Planning what steps to take Planning what sequence or order in which to organize the steps Using vision or visualization to guide the motor steps taken Coordination requires preparing the body for the first steps, or motor planning the activity.  Motor planning also requires following through with

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Activating the Vestibular Triad

stimulates eyes, ears, and coordination Although the vestibular system primarily responds to movements of the head, it   also responds to sensory  input from the ears and eyes.  Signals within the vestibular  system are protective. When stimulated, these signals work together on the muscles of the body   to position the head into an upright position. When stimulated, the vestibular system tends to prompt all of

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